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Agnes' String Page

Hi I am Agnes berengarii de Girona.  I am a member of the Society for Creative Anachronisms, a Historical recreation group.  We recreate different aspects of the historic periods prior to 1600, mostly the Middle Ages and Renaissance of Western European cultures. However, we have folks who study all the world's cultures within reason of being respectfully done. My persona is a Catalan noblewoman of Girona, circa 1500.  We are not reenactors, because you will see a 14th century Japanese Warlord talking to a lady of the13th century English court and many other anachronisms (something out of its time).  We are not LARP (Live Action Role Play), we are not role playing but rather being ourselves as we might have been in the years of our persona. We are a little of both.  We are recreationists. We recreate pre-17th Century history, not as it was, but as we would like it to be.  I love my hobby and would love for you to check out the official page at and see how you can get involved.  I am not an official spokesperson for the SCA, just a fan. 

That being said my focus in the SCA (and real life) is on the needle arts, specifically, historic embroidery techniques and Lacis/Filet Lace with a side of costuming.  Learning to some reticella at this writing and working on building a table linen that might have been seen in the 15th-16th century in a Catalonian household. 

I am setting up this website to show folks what I do, share some of my research and build up the interest in the fiber arts of the Middle Ages and the Renaissance.  I hope you enjoy my offerings.  

In the modern world, I have finished my Master's degree and am currently looking for gainful employment, so life is rather busy, especially with a family to help and support.  

Some classes I teach at SCA events: 

Below is my annotated Bibliography. It is certainly not complete, but most of what I cite is in here.  Just click on the above links to see my work. 

Needlework bibliography